Art, Film, Photography, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Locked Out

Most of us have done it at some point or another – accidentally locked ourselves out of the house.  Raymond Carver’s poem tells a quite simple ordinary story but it becomes so much more. Read it to see what he does.  He’s locked himself out and of course it’s raining and the people who have the spare key are away.…

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Art, Film, Photography, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Shadows

Gloomy drizzly start for today so time to remember some recent sunshine and shadows. Covid-19 testing tents are all up and down Broadway with a whole cluster close to Columbia University.  This one left – is at 113th Street. Photos here of Wave Hill in the Bronx, the Metropolitan Museum Cloisters in Manhattan, Untermeyer Gardens Conservancy in Yonkers, Jackson Square…

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Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

For When It Snows Part Two

Rain is no respecter of persons the snow doesn’t give a soft white damn Whom it touches -e.e. cummings, Viva, 27 51 Kinds of Snow 1. Zen-blissed Buddha snow silent, soft, fat flakes. 2. Born-again snow that melts into the baltering mountain torrent to baptize the redeemed of the river plains. 3.Episcopal surplice snow, of choirs and choristers. 4. Modest Methodist…

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