
About Isms He was Never Wrong: George Orwell at the Café Royal

George Orwell had an interesting chance encounter with a blasé conspiracy theorist at the Café Royal in 1940. (See left). The young…

6 years ago

Much Ado About Food: Kate Atkinson and Elizabeth David

Novelists and film makers often struggle to find the right period details to anchor their work in a particular era.…

6 years ago

Much Ado About Deception and Delusion: Kate Atkinson’s Transcription and London 1940

The sandwich was no comfort, it was a pale limp thing a long way from the déjeuner sur l'herbe of her…

6 years ago

Falling Wall

I began this post in 2017. The original focus was Louis MacNeice's's poem "Brother Fire". MacNeice was a fire-watcher during…

6 years ago

Back to the Future in Search of Doris Bass

I'm early but the staffroom is already blue with smoke and full of strangers who know each other. A row…

6 years ago

The Night City

If you've ever been young and full of dreams .... If you ever headed to the big city with your…

6 years ago


Blackbirds are notorious for being able to mimic the sounds they hear as they hop about the celestial chimney pots…

8 years ago

Unreal City: November 11th 1919

London on November 11th 1919 - a two minute silence at 11 o'clock to observe the first anniversary of the…

9 years ago

To Kill a Mockingbird on Trial

I haven't read Go Set a Watchman and I'm not sure I will. I did read the first chapter in…

10 years ago

Coal smoke and kippers

The farmers’ market is full of strange squash and gourds and pumpkins of every color, shape, and size. Autumn – …

15 years ago