Here's the Flickr album of photos from WinterFest 14 - last day of school before winter break. And a gallery of…
I've been thinking a lot about the MakerFaire and the connections with the "learning by doing" legacy of our school.…
It's not every day that you get to paint with an internationally renowned artist. But that was just one of…
There are lots of reasons to be concerned about the digital revolution and its impact on our lives, the lives…
I've recently discovered Haiku Deck - a new way to create slide presentations. It's an interesting tool for finding images…
I've been playing with making visuals for the design thinking process. Here's the latest.
I'm just back from a fantastic three days at the NYSAIS STEAMCamp. Twitter: #steam13 So much to think about, so…
Alfie Kohn is coming on April 25th. Just look at the great header Christina Powers created to herald the news:…
We know that empathy - that ability to walk around in another's shoes - matters. We know that developing empathy…
Watch The Masks written and directed by PDS student Haixu Liu - All American High School Film Festival Awards winner.…
So this is the message I found on my desk when I returned from lunch today. The cupcakes were delicious…
Cross-posted from Josie's Blog Did you know that Poughkeepsie Day School now has a Fab Lab? It's short for fabrication…