
The Street of the Fruit Stalls

Amazing how hard it sometimes can be to find things on the intertubes. There was a poem I remembered from…

6 years ago

Night Fog

Some left over words from another post and borrowed words not exactly put to music. Boundaries blur. The streetlamp a…

6 years ago

New York City Through the Window: Poetry

In 1975 the poet Allen Ginsberg was in hospital. At a later poetry reading he explained the causes in an…

6 years ago

Who was May Herschel Clarke?

It started with a tweet from yesterday morning: So off to google where I found the same inaccurate one-line biography…

6 years ago

#SherlockPoems and Nostalgia: Claude McKay and D.H. Lawrence

I've been looking for a particular poem for a while now. When someone used the hashtag #SherlockPoems in a Twitter…

6 years ago

W. H. Auden and New York

Eighty years ago today - on January 26th, 1939 - the poet W.H.Auden - accompanied by his friend and sometime…

6 years ago

For When It Snows Part Two

Rain is no respecter of persons the snow doesn't give a soft white damn Whom it touches -e.e. cummings, Viva,…

6 years ago

The Old Year

The Old Year The Old Year's gone away To nothingness and night: We cannot find him all the day Nor…

6 years ago

For When it Snows Part One

No snow where I am at the moment but here's a poem to enjoy now and also tuck away to…

6 years ago

Bumbarrel, Mumruffin and Poke Pudding

It was Clive Bennett who got me traveling down this particular track. He's a real birder and maintains a wonderful…

6 years ago

Lament in December

Lament In December December’s come and all is dead; Weep, woods, for summer far has sped And leaves rot in…

6 years ago

Communist, Nationalist, Fascist, Poet and Glasgow 1960

"I have too many books but I only have my shelf to blame." The pun came via Twitter. As does…

6 years ago

Thank You, Fog

There's the fog of war and there's the poetry of fog. A recent heavy mist  in my patch of the…

6 years ago

Brexit, Beowulf and the Bum Trumpet

The day after the Brexit referendum our dear leader - then candidate for the presidency - was on his way…

6 years ago

The War is Too Much With Us

I thought of going back to France, but realised the absurdity of the notion. Since 1916, the fear of gas…

6 years ago