
In Defense of Intersectionality

I wrote this primarily as a way to sort my ideas out. Feel free to skip. However do take a…

1 year ago

Intersectional Lunacy and Knee-Jerk Nonsense

 A bunch of angry shouty men showed up to protest the Standing for Women  Let Women Speak event in Leeds…

1 year ago

Our Flag Stays Red – Communists and Snore Detectives at the Savoy

In Our Flag Stays Red (1948) Phil Piratin - the Communist Party MP for Mile End - wrote an account…

2 years ago

Put Out More Flags

My heart sinks down when I behold A rainbow in the street. With the end of June, in sight, I’m…

3 years ago

What ho! George Orwell and Cancel Culture

Few things in this war have been more morally disgusting than the present hunt after traitors and Quislings. At best…

4 years ago

Eat my leek!

As previously reported in Shakespeare has had enough, a random assortment of Shakespeare’s characters - disturbed and distressed by political…

4 years ago

Shakespeare Has Had Enough

Disturbed and distressed by political leadership, a random assortment of Shakespeare's characters got together to prepare for an intervention. And…

4 years ago

Wisdom of the Ages

Looks like having government officials who are Ignorant and Stupid is nothing new. Chinese poet Su Tung-Po nailed it centuries…

4 years ago

Hopeful Signs

I am always a bit astonished when I see tRump signs at people's houses. And I ask myself: "Who are…

4 years ago

Anarchy in New York: The Mayhem Continues

As we know the tRump misadministration has - for reasons of its own - declared New York City to be…

4 years ago

Anarchy in New York City

The US Department of 'Justice' declared this week that New York City -- along with Portland and Seattle -- to…

4 years ago

In the Salon with Gertrude Stein

It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really…

5 years ago

COVIDIOTS 2020 and Hellish Trumpery

So many parallels between our current pandemic and the plague that swept through London in 1665, at least as described…

5 years ago

From Minty to Moses – the Extraordinary Fierce and Fearless Harriet Tubman

In September we heard Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation with Oprah Winfrey at the Apollo in NYC. The topic was his…

5 years ago

Mustn’t Grumble

Mustn't Grumble We mustn’t grumble We have wireless and cable And there’s food in the shops. Beyoncé had a birthday and…

5 years ago