
The Queen of Mean

When Senior Mistress Miss A. Jacob retired from Headlands School Mr.Magson had this to say in the school magazine: Two…

5 years ago

Why are we doing this to our children?

Here is child psychologist Dr. Megan Koschnick on why Early Childhood Standards of Common Core are Developmentally Inappropriate. This is her…

10 years ago

What’s wrong with this picture?

I always enjoy Valerie Strauss's Answer Sheet blog in the Washington Post. She frequently provides a platform for teacher voices…

10 years ago

What happens when you teach to the test?

A decade of NCLB has made an impact. From: Photo: Cesar Quintero

13 years ago

Cookie Cutter Kids: “Send us your winners…”

...and we'll make winners out of them" There's a good article in the latest edition of Independent School magazine that…

13 years ago

What the dickens?

Looks like the new UK education minister is channeling Thomas Gradgrind: Pupils must learn about Miss Havisham, says Minister They…

15 years ago

Here they come…National Standards

National Standards kindergarten through 12th grade are on their way. At PDS we are looking forward to taking a good…

15 years ago

Education Off The Rails: Standards Train Wreck

In Teaching in a Knowledge Society Andy Hargreaves has a cautionary tale - Education off the Rails -  about the…

15 years ago

False Promise: The Ersatz Language of School Reform

An article by Alfie Kohn in The Nation is a timely reminder of how language is so easily co-opted to…

16 years ago

NCLB: Another Perspective

Last night in his State of the Union address President Bush outlined proposals to extend the NCLB (“No Child Left…

18 years ago