
The Day Trip

One childhood ritual during the days between Christmas and the return to school was the day trip to London. The…

2 months ago

A Bonfire in the Dark

When I was in the emergency room last year having busted my elbow, a nurse asked whether I had ever…

4 months ago

Lying to the Young is Wrong

In his day, the Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko' was something of an international rock star whose readings could fill sports…

2 years ago

Burning the Books and their Authors

This tweet about toasting marshmallows on a fire stoked with Harry Potters brought to mind an odd incident from my…

3 years ago

Back-to-School: First Grade

First Grade by Ron Kortgee Until then, every forest had wolves in it, we thought it would be fun to…

3 years ago

The 1956 Book Club and a Game

And the #1956Club is open for business and this time I'm joining and you can too.. I'm old enough to…

4 years ago

The Welsh Connection

This is a follow-up to The Queen of Mean and one of a series about Headlands Grammar School and what…

5 years ago

The Queen of Mean

When Senior Mistress Miss A. Jacob retired from Headlands School Mr.Magson had this to say in the school magazine: Two…

5 years ago

Can and May and Merv

Everyone who ever had Merv Comrie as a teacher at Headlands has a story to tell. Merv left an indelible…

5 years ago

And of Course We Called Her “Nutty”

Before I learned to be afraid of Miss Jacob I was terrified by Miss Almond. First week, first form at…

5 years ago

The Changed Face of School Leadership

The schools we attend and work in help shape the people we become. Seven of my sixty plus years in…

5 years ago

Sports Report and the Spots of Time

It's a late afternoon on a winter Saturday of my childhood. And that means the big Ferguson radio - the…

5 years ago

Escape from the Spirit People

When a re-wired, pack-rat educator takes a deep dive in the basement there's no telling what she will find in…

5 years ago

Two Cheers for Diversity and the Unfinished Work of America: Stronger Together

The NAIS Annual People Of Color ConferenceĀ opensĀ this week in Atlanta. It will draw independent educators from across the country. They…

8 years ago

The Magic Roundabout of Education and Innovation: How should schools prepare for the future?

What does innovation in education look like to you? This question and What does innovation in education look like around…

9 years ago