
“The death of education but the dawn of learning.”

Mindless and disturbing commercial hype or ... finally ... the opportunity to realize the long-held, unfulfilled dreams of boundless learning?…

14 years ago

The 21st Century Learner

This video from the MacArthur Foundation shows a variety of key and influential people discussing some of the new possibilities…

14 years ago

A Cautionary Case Study

From BBC Comedy.

14 years ago

Snow Days and Disruption: An open letter to families

Dear PDS Families: A few lines (with minor edits)  from division in-boxes and my twitter feed: Student: I just wanted…

14 years ago

More Educator Luddites Please

Part two of:  The Age of Bricolage: School in the Change Blender: Technology is always disruptive: Think of the introduction…

15 years ago

The Age of Bricolage: School in the Change Blender

When everything around is changing so rapidly that it feels like living inside a blender on high speed, habits and…

15 years ago

Digital literacy across the curriculum

It's not about the tools and the testing, it's about the learning and the thinking. Digital literacy is an important…

15 years ago

Scoundrels alive! High school play streamed to the world

April 23rd 2010 - Shakespeare's birthday and Poughkeepsie Day School begins live streaming Diary of a Scoundrel - Alexander Ostrovsky's…

15 years ago

Science and technology heroes

It was Dean Kamen -  the inventor of the Segway and a version of the artificial heart - who established…

15 years ago

Where are the adults? Leadership and responsibility in the digital world.

Teacher of the Year Anthony Mullen has another excellent Road Diary post today.  At Kent State University, Ohio,  he walks…

15 years ago

“I know you are into technology …”

Well – yes – I suppose I am, and I always have been. As I child I haunted the school…

15 years ago

The Children’s Machine: How children take to technology

A second grader needed a place to hang out and my office was available. The conversation went somewhat like this:…

15 years ago

Hoover that google

With google now declared the word of the decade, tweet the word of the year and unfriend now officially in…

15 years ago

When it comes to technology and change: Are you Toad, Mole, or Rat?

When a new technology comes along and knocks you off the old one - in this case a motor car…

15 years ago

A Day in the Life of the Internet

Created by Online Education

15 years ago