RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

How do they live with themselves?

How Do They Live with Themselves? This was the question Roger Rosenblatt asked in The New York Times regarding the tobacco industry executives who lied to Congress about what they knew to be true. It is now a question we must ask of the leaders of major medical organizations, such as the AAP, AMA, and Endocrine Society, as well as…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

The Silence of the Associations

It has been nearly four months since the publication of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people, known as the Cass Report. There has been no mention of it by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) or its member associations. There has also been no discussion on the NAIS membership Diversity listserv, which frequently…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

It’s Holy Month

I put this image together in honor of the Holy Month that’s now upon us.  Given the proliferation of days, weeks, and months dedicated to assorted gender identities, you would be forgiven for thinking that every day, week, and month was devoted to special-gender-identity-recognition and to the victims of heteronormativity which of course is a system of oppression created by…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

Words Matter

When I taught fourth and fifth grade at a school that didn’t assign grades, the topic occasionally came up among the students. On the bus, they’d hear their peers from other schools boasting about their As on tests for spelling or naming all the state capitals. Grades seemed like fun and useful bragging points.  We always closed out the week…

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Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

Making Waves

Two women – Kemi Badenoch and Kellie-Jay Keen – made a splash across the pond on Terf Island this week. First up was the UK Equalities Minister and President of the Board of Trade Kemi Badenoch. In a letter to the Commons Women and Equalities select committee, Kemi Badenoch told MPs that she has strong evidence that gay, lesbian, and…

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Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb, The Sex Wars

Intersectional Lunacy and Knee-Jerk Nonsense

 A bunch of angry shouty men showed up to protest the Standing for Women  Let Women Speak event in Leeds as is their wont when women gather anywhere to talk about their lives. Inspired by the barbarism of Hamas, this particular crew had a new mantra to add to their mindless repertoire of bleats : “From the river to the…

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