Operation Pied Piper: What were they thinking?

In Hamelin in Lower Saxony. there's an inscription on a wooden beam on the side of the Rattenfangerhaus (rat catcher's…

4 years ago

Get the vaccine. Climb a drainpipe

As is ever the case, I found these images on the IWM site while actually looking for something else. They…

4 years ago

Where does Good Enough Come from?

It was Donald Winnicott, of course, who coined the phrase good-enough in connection with parenting. He first introduced the term…

4 years ago

Secret Agent, Mother, Saboteur, Bomb-maker, Spy Chief, Novelist, Housewife

As of last week, the only thing I knew about Agnes Smedley was that The Feminist Press had reissued her…

4 years ago

Gertrude Stein: Collage and Code

While T.S.Eliot was skulking about in green face powder, Gertrude Stein was communing with Cubists and inventing linguistic collage. And…

5 years ago

Mental Health, Leadership and the Plan for That

They say the war is over. But water still Comes bloody from the taps. from 'Redeployment,' Howard Nemerov In April…

5 years ago

Coastal Command

My uncle Lawrence Holford was killed by a Bristol Beaufighter. Maybe two.  My father worshipped his older brother Laurie, and…

5 years ago

Jeanne Mammen In Ruins and Recovery

Before the Nazis took power in 1933 Jeanne Mammen earned her living as a commercial artist, selling her work to…

5 years ago

About Isms He was Never Wrong: George Orwell at the Café Royal

George Orwell had an interesting chance encounter with a blasé conspiracy theorist at the Café Royal in 1940. (See left). The young…

6 years ago

Much Ado About Food: Kate Atkinson and Elizabeth David

Novelists and film makers often struggle to find the right period details to anchor their work in a particular era.…

6 years ago

Much Ado About Deception and Delusion: Kate Atkinson’s Transcription and London 1940

The sandwich was no comfort, it was a pale limp thing a long way from the déjeuner sur l'herbe of her…

6 years ago

Falling Wall

I began this post in 2017. The original focus was Louis MacNeice's's poem "Brother Fire". MacNeice was a fire-watcher during…

6 years ago

Bitter Strawberries

     Farm work is one of the best jobs for getting to know people as they really are. The…

8 years ago


I'm not giving anything away by quoting the deep irony of the last lines of Saplings: Turns you over, don’t…

8 years ago

Under the Radar: The Hedge Hoppers and the Hardest Day

After early mist the morning of Sunday August 18 1940 was bright with clear skies. It came to be known…

8 years ago