Modern life is full of complexity, chaos, and contradictions. In our efforts to cope, some succumb to despair, while others take solace in the knowledge that ’twas ever thus.
With Spring on the horizon—if not yet in the air or step—everyone is busy preparing for the new season. Squirrels are digging up last Fall’s nuts, pigeons coo on the fire escape, and our poet, C. Langley Dunwood, is hard at work on her poetic manifesto, along with a lyric or two for her next collection of slim verse, provisionally titled Follow.
Meanwhile, Tim Endibel, head of school at Wayward St. Etheldreda’s Academy—still locked in a mighty tussle for survival with the Board—has been refining his introduction to the school’s new strategic plan. It boldly charts a new course, tackling challenges with courage and conviction, while offering a measure of empathy and inclusion, plus some belonging for those who require it.
The Leadership Imperative
Tim is particularly pleased that his article The Leadership Imperative – Radical Empowerment and Ambiguous Transparency —in Schools, has just been accepted for publication in the prestigious Pinnacle Review (formerly The Private School Gazette). Meanwhile, the new online Viewbook is progressing nicely, the French department has agreed to hold off on non-binary pronouns, enrollment numbers are trailing budget projections by no more than ten percent, and, to his great relief, the recent outbreak of stomach flu was traced not to the school cafeteria but to the corner food cart. At last, things might be looking up.
Problem Solving
In his thinking, Tim might have benefitted by the insights of Nigel Molesworth, who long ago summed up the existential dilemma faced by the young:
“Wot a lot of problems we dere little chaps hav to face – there are H-bombs, missiles, spacemen, russians, yanks, electronik branes …” (Willans and Searle 337).
And in his wisdom, Molesworth asks:
“Wot would everyone say if we schoolboys behaved like the nations of the globe? I will tell you. They would sa we were stupid, crass, ignorant, hopeless, wet, weedy and sans un clue. And yet it goes on.”
World-weary, subversive, ink-besplattered, inventive dreamer, survivor Nigel Molesworth is the anti-hero we need in these difficult times. His attitude—cynical, realistic, sardonic, practical, and dark—comes from hard-won experience. He resists authority, having learned early on that it is no use trying to please it. He has developed high levels of resilience and adaptability.
Now GRIMES stands on the platform, smiling horribly at the pitiable collection of oiks, snakes, cads, oafs, and dirty rotters below.
‘And wot,’ sa GRIMES, ‘hav we all been reading in the hols?’
Tremble tremble. Moan drone. I hav read nothing but Red the Redskin and Guide to the Pools. I hav also sat with my mouth open watching Lassie, Wonder Horse, etc., on t.v. How to escape? But I hav made a plan.
‘Fotherington-Thomas,’ sa GRIMES, ‘wot hav you read?’
‘IvanhoeTheVicarofWakefieldWutheringHeightsTreasureIslandVanityFairWest wardHoTheWaterBabies and—’
‘That is enuff. Good boy. And Molesworth?’
He grin horribly.
‘What hav you read, Molesworth?’
Gulp gulp. A rat in a trap.
‘Proust, sir.’
‘Come agane?’
‘Proust, sir. A grate Fr. writer. The book in question was Swann’s Way.’
‘Gorblimey. Wot did you think of it, eh?’
‘The style was exquisite, sir, and the characterisation superb. The long evocative passages—’
‘SILENCE!’ thunder GRIMES. ‘There is no such book, impertinent boy. I shall hav to teach you culture the hard way. Report for the kane after prayers.’Chiz chiz. To think I hav learned all that by hart. It’s not fair—they get you every way. And so our first day ends when we join together singing our own skool song.
(Chiz, of course, is a noun meaning cheat or swindle, and an epithet, as in “skool sossages hav been replaced by prunes, chiz.”)
Football and Philosophy
It is experiences like this that hav turned young Nigel Molesworth—the self-styled Curse of St. Custard’s—into a philosopher and a survivor. Here he is on the football field with his friend, the wet and weedy Basil Fotherington-Thomas. It is probably a second XI match with rival school Porridge Court:
“Wot is yore opinion of colin wilson, the new philosopher?” sa fotherington-tomas, hanging by his weedy heels from the crossbar.
“Advanced, forthright, signifficant,” i repli, kicking off the mud from my footer boots.
“He takes, i think, the place of t.s. eliot in speaking for the younger generation. Have you any idea of the score?”
“Not a clue.”
“Those rufians hav interrupted us six times. So one must assume half a dozen goles. If only our defence was more lively, quicker on the tackle! Now as i was saing about colin wilson…..”
Fair-minded as always, Molesworth understands that others think differently, but his insight and self-awareness are, as ever, acute. He accepts his own failings just as he adeptly notices them in others.
Football or Fish
He has some sharp observations about types of games masters—especially those who shout unhelpfully from the sidelines.
This is how a good school can build character in the young.
Someone should send The Compleet Molesworth to Tim Endibel.
Literary Endnote
As a critic of a certain era commented in the now defunct literary quarterly The Fragmentum:
Much like Eliot’s The Waste Land, the Molesworth corpus is a triumph of heteroglossia, a dazzling interplay of disparate voices, registers, and intertextual allusions that coalesce into a text at once anarchic and profoundly sophisticated. Willans, with an astute ear for linguistic pastiche, orchestrates a polyphonic riot in which the demotic cadences of schoolboy vernacular collide with the bombast of pedagogic authority, producing a literary artifact of startling textual complexity.
What I once consumed in childhood as mere comic mischief now reveals itself, upon mature re-examination, as a rich palimpsest of linguistic play and satirical incision. The absurdist mayhem and linguistic fragmentation—so lapidary in execution—mirror a broader cultural entropy, a dissolution of meaning evocative of the very conditions Bakhtin explored in his theorization of the carnivalesque and dialogic discourse. That the Molesworth texts achieve such an effect within the ostensibly parochial confines of a mid-century preparatory school satire only underscores their brilliance.
– Dorian Leclair, in The Fragmentum (1994)
No chiz.
My favorite phrase in this hilarious compendium: “the French department has agreed to hold off on non-binary pronouns.” Dieu merci.
Some important questions for you:
Has C. Langley Dunwood ever had anything published?
Is that Tim Endibel article available on line?
Who is Dorian Leclair and why should we care what he thinks?
No reason why you should care about what any of them think or have written. However – should you be interested – I do have access.
Wow! The Dorian Leclair quote at the end! I’m glad to meet “heteroglossia.” I aspire to be heterophonic! A lovely piece, Josie.
Thanks Jim – I think you may find that “Fragmentum” has many such seminal articles. It is – after all – the journal that brought the ideas of Judith Butler into prominence. And look what that has done for English prose!
It is my sincere belief now that heterophonia can enrich us all.
(I may change my mind tomorrow if it goes out of fashion.)
Ah, what a lovely post! I feel the need to dig the books out and read them instantly!
I recommend it. For those of a certain vintage and satirical inclination. Between them – chiz – Willans and Searle nail much that is both specific to circumstances, class, and era and yet also universal – it hav meening for toda.
Basically – with a (very) little skimming – I larfed alot.
And the observations on literature – especially peotry – and philosophy are priceless.
And the good thing is – all four books and the Penguin Classics compendium are available to read online for free!
The English schoolboy, a unique creature. I try to imagine the French equivalent. I loved Searle.
Wonder no more!
In “Back in the Jug Agane” Mrs Molesworth announces that they have a French boy coming to stay chez Molesworth. This will lead our Nigel to conclude that the French and the English are divided by more than the Channel:
‘Armand is coming to sta with us in the hols,’ she sa
“Who, pray, is armand,’ i repli, dealing a mitey blow to my hard-boiled egg. ‘As far as i kno he is the weedy wet in the fr. book who sa the elephants are pigs.’
Interval of 3 weeks. Then ARMAND arive you can well immagine him only he is worse than anything you can immagine.
Armand is 6 ft tall, wear short pants, and look upon molesworth 2 et moi as “! we were a pare of shoppkeepers (c.f. napoleon in the hist. books). The trubble is he can speke eng.
‘So ziz is yore owse?” he sa, glancing around with amusement.
‘Oui, oui,’ molesworth deux et moi.
‘Eet eez so pretty.’
‘Exquisitely so,’ sa molesworth deux.
“My parents have a chateau, a flat in paris, a villa in the s. of fr. and a rolls-royce. Zizz is all you posess ?”
“We have also a pen, a piece of india ruber, un morceau de papier, a cranky old car and a bag of bulls-eyes, my little cabage,’ we repli. And with this riposte we zoom away into the bushes.
Things do not look good for the future chiz and mater is very cross with us ect. for our cruel and unfeeling behaviour but when she see wot armand eat she change her tune. Armand, in fakt, eat more than molesworth 2 and that is saing a v. grate deal: also we do not seme to like cotage pie, bread and butter pudding, spotted dick, corned beef and other kinds of homely food. He always zoom up to vilage shop on his bike and come back with pokets stuffed with food chiz which he eat all himself it nearly drive molesworth 2 mad.
‘Last nite,’ armand sa, ‘iam having a beautiful dream.’
Wot can it be about? Hav he routed the beaks, stolen GRIMES the headmaster’s kane, pinched ye old matrone’s gin, placed a sukkessful booby trap on the door of the master’s common room. No, it is none of these things which would delite the heart of the healthy english boy. Armand hav dreamed of fresh pineaple, lobsters, duck, sweet, cheese, fruit, cream, three wines and a brandy. Well, i mean to say, wot a thing to dreme about! Anyway, give me a good suck at a tin of condensed milk every time.
Anyway, he like GURLS aussi, so something must be wrong. Anyone who can get on his bike and ride 10 miles to meet angela winterbottom becos he kno she must pass along the lane on her pony must be bats. i supose i could manage lobsters but not angela winterbottom who giggle all the time and is uterly wet. It seme, konklude the grate sage molesworth, that fr. and english are divided by more than the chanel.
Chiz, chiz.
Ennywun who hav not red molesworth is utterly wet and a weed
sined Sigsmund the mad maths master
“Hem-hem, quite.”
St Custard’s and young Mr. Molesworth are entirely new to me. Thank you for expanding my literary horizons.
Hey Will – It is a bit of a vintage and obscure taste but I think you might enjoy the music lessons! You should be able to take a look here: Molesworth at the piano: