Photo credit: Alan English
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
And they came
And he pushed
And they flew.
Christopher Logue “Come to the Edge” frequently misattributed to Guillaume Apollinaire
If we seek to Preserve the Core (those values, practices and traditions to which we commit ourselves) and Stimulate Progress (seek the ways to grow, evolve, change, improve, move on, adapt, innovate, do better) then we need to be out there on that edge – experimenting, playing, dipping our toes (at some times) and plunging in (at others.) Our mind-forg’d manacles maintain the status quo; but it is there for us to challenge and change.
All learning, all innovation happens at that leading, bleeding, blinding, terrifying and enchanting edge.
See the line between the two inner circles? It curves and bulges. It is ragged and torn. It beckons, tempts and torments like a green light at the end of the dock. It is topped with razor wire and broken glass; it is edged with enticement and enchantment. It dances before our eyes, repels us and draws us forward where we look Gloucester-like to the dizzying beach far below, to the horizon before us and above to the stars. But we are blind.
‘Who reaches
A future for us from the high shelf
Of spiritual daring?’
Allen Curnow ‘Landfall in Unknown Seas‘.
Do we dare? Do we dare reach for the edge, the frontier, the boundary – as they loom in the fog before us – blurry and misted over, the sharp and jagged shards hidden from sight. Do we step out? Or count the coffee spoons as an attendant lord?
Learning is messy, progress hard to see except from the far distance of a time that is not yet here. The journey is fraught with pitfalls and pratfalls, and the moving, leading edge shape-shifts, looms and shrinks; it darts in spikes and then retreats. Or grows laterally, stagnates, falls back and then again a sudden leap.
The experiences on the edge feed the core that deepens and strengthens with the interactions with the new, the original and freshly imagined. The experience on the edge gives courage, the adrenaline rush, the sudden deflation of disappointment. It is the burst of energy and the long, slow haul of the steady, sturdy determined slog of the relentless and undaunted.
The edge is where the new ideas are. It’s where the disruptions happen that will challenge the core and leave it strengthened or if hollow, fractured and shattered. It’s where the course of history is changed and the history course transformed. It’s where the dragons lurk and threats reside. The edge is the opportunity for invention – the place where possibility dwells.
The edge is where we must be as a school. It is where our students and we are as we lead into, and help shape the shared future. Embracing innovation, managing change – they mean living on that edge. And in practice that means allowing for emerging ways of conducting the business of school.
And so much more.
And in the end – what is it all about? How do we develop the processes for establishing common ground, senses of direction? How do we engender deep and personal engagement and ensure creative contribution in our endlessly edgy, problem finding- solution-seeking zones of proximal development?
Photo credit: Alan English
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