Photo by Mélissa Jeanty on Unsplash
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
Based on personal observations and reports from others, many, if not most, grocery stores and other essential retail outlets in our area do not appear to be in compliance with the current New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection for COVID-19 For Retail Stores.”
As citizens, we can help increase public COVID-19 awareness and retail store compliance by urging stores to come into compliance with the Guidance and by contacting state and/or local public health officials to report instances where the NYSDOH Guidance is not being followed. This is no joke, needless to say: indeed, today’s Poughkeepsie Journal reports that one of the employees at the LaGrangeville ShopRite tested positive for COVID-19.
On March 16, 2020, NYSDOH released “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection for COVID-19 For Retail Stores.” The guidance contains both mandatory and recommended public education and hygiene measures for retail stores. Below are excerpts from the Guidance.
To support individuals who are at-risk in their communities by reducing the risk for COVID-19, retail locations:
Identify and routinely clean and disinfect high-risk locations even before a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs on a regular schedule as operational considerations allow, at least daily.
Examples of high-risk locations include:
Check In/out Stations and Frequently Touched Surfaces
Dining Areas/Breakrooms
To read the complete Guidance, go to
>Prominently post signage, at a minimum at the store’s entrance, on social distancing, handwashing, and other basic hygiene measures. (Some relevant signage is currently available from NYSDOH’s website as pdfs. I have written, via the State’s COVID-19 contact form, to request the State to offer a pdf specifically on social distancing.)
>Prominently post signage, at a minimum at the store’s entrance, on the store’s hygiene protocols for staff.
>Train staff to model social distancing themselves and to monitor and counsel customers on social distancing where needed.
>At high density hours, limit the number of people who can be in the store at one time.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please also feel free to share it.
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View Comments
I totally agree with your thoughts. The grocery stores are where lots of people come and go. We never know what type of disease or infection one is carrying. So retail store and grocery store should follow the strict safety measure to prevent the infection and germs from spreading. I wish all the store follow the safety measure and prevent the pandemic from occurring again.
I totally agree that all retail locations should provide hand sanitizing stations at the facility entrance for their customers. There are businesses that can't stop operating despite the pandemic and this is the only way to prevent the virus from spreading. I also think that both commercial and residential properties should undergo regular cleaning and disinfecting schedules to avoid the risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
Our grocery items Do you rinse it with clean water after you soak in the lysol? How about those some items or toys we bought and you wiped you just let it dry with the lysol solution? My baby is eating her toys so Im really careful when disinfecting
But viruses are not bacterial...soap breaks down the protein coating that keeps the virus viable...use soap and water every time. instead of hand sanitizer
This was extremely helpful! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this article really all the information was very helpful for me. I am now
waiting for your new one.
Great read ! It helped a lot and gave a completely new and different outlook !
Stores should follow this to keep to keep your store germ and infection free.
I grieve that the feds are treating us the same way they treated Katrina victims and the hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. I don't know why I thought they would treat New York and California any differently, but I arrogantly did.
It's Republicans. And it's tRump. When Democrats are in power they see the needs of the whole country. The GOP sees only political advantage and they act accordingly. And tRump? He only sees what benefits him.
let's hope that these stores follow these guidelines, and let's hope that there is a new President come November...
Yes. To both. Stay well Jim.
You too, Josie.