• Learning is Playful – A program infused with creative thinking, is rich with opportunities for artistic expression, imaginative thinking and allows time for experimentation and play. An education that takes advantage of the accidental, forges connections between the disparate, is elastic with opportunity, adapts to circumstances and is sometimes spontaneous and messy.

  • Learning is Deliberate – A program that is intentional, challenging and  purposeful, that attends to the developmental needs of children and is aligned with student outcomes. A program that draws on the elements of design thinking (empathy, integrative thinking, optimism, experimentation, collaboration) to ensure our students are ready for the world of their future. An education that affords a broad-based foundation of academic pursuit and scholarship and prepares students for success as lifelong learners.

  • Learning is Social – A program that understands that learning is a social process and that collaboration, partnership, teamwork and sharing confer purpose and meaning. An education that develops community and students as educated stewards, followers, leaders and difference makers in their worlds

  • Learning is Active – A program that is built around learners constructing their knowledge; that is intellectually and physically active, project based and inquiry driven. An education for the mind and body centered on curiosity, engagement, activity and learning by doing.

  • Learning is Relevant – A program based in and connected to real world circumstances and needs. An education that is authentic and personally meaningful.

  • Learning is Empathetic – A program that respects and values every child. An education that develops relationships, caring for others, service, a sense of compassion and social and emotional health and awareness.

  • Learning is Permeable – A program that is open, interactive, shared and connected. An education that is transdisciplinary, globally-aware, and connected with the ecosystem of a learning world at school and beyond.

  • Learning is Deep – A program that fosters deep expertise and immersive exploration of subject matter. An education that is strengths-focused, experiential, passion-driven.

  • Learning is Self-Correcting – A program founded on a growth mind-set where every child sets ambitious horizons for success; that teaches neuroplasticity and the science of the brain and knows that failures today do not dictate or preclude future achievements. An education for change that develops persistence and resilience where intellectual risk-taking, trial and error, mistakes and failure are signs of progress, and that what matters is how we move forward and the ends we pursue.


  1. […] The PDS strategic plan has nine learning commitments. These are the nine beliefs about learning that underpin the school’s commitment to classroom practice, pedagogy and curriculum.  They are that learning is: Playful, Deliberate, Social, Active, Relevant, Empathetic, Permeable, Deep and Self-correcting. […]

  2. […] So – what are some of the elements: The Escuela Nueva model respects and includes students interests and home lives; co-operation not competition drives the classroom culture; and the  learning is deep, social, active,  permeable and etc.  Sound familiar? […]

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